Soft Cycle is a textile recycling and innovation studio.
A dump truck of textile waste enters landfill every second.
Textile disposal costs the UK ~£82 million each year.
In the UK, 2.5 million tonnes of textiles are consumed each year, over 70% of which is not collected for reuse or recycling. Most textiles end up in landfill or incinerators because there are not enough high-value uses for recycled textiles.
The situation abroad is horrifying. Imported textile waste is choking rivers, creating mountains in the desert and damaging health.
At the same time, the furniture industry continues to grow, and so does it’s reliance on oil-based foam and polyester, effectively eliminating meagre sustainability targets.
Textiles are filling up landfills all over the world.
Our mission is to create a model that can revolutionise the textile waste system, as well as the furniture industry.
Soft Cycle offers an effective solution for waste residential and commercial textiles that is simple, scalable and involves minimal processing.
Products developed in our innovation studio can be accessed by both local makers and big manufactures to create treasured furniture, while meeting high sustainability demands from consumers.
This is not just stuffing. This is a precious raw material that has the potential to create jobs, start new innovative businesses and be replicated the world over.